Project : Vodafone NBA ( Next Best Action ), was an initiative funded by the Vodafone CVM (Customer Value Management ) team.
Role : UX Designer My Vodafone team
Objective : The idea was to prompt users with personalised notifications based on their past actions which would help remind them to act on special offers.
Approach : UX were engaged to further explore this idea. We conducted three workshops :
1st - Inception workshop : to better understand scope, constraints, technical limitations and note down any questions we all had
2nd - Sketch Session : Working with the various team members, product owners, developers, designers etc to sketch potential solutions. We gave each team different scenarios to sketch ie upgrade, 2nd Service, RPC (Rate Plan Change ) and Data Add-Ons.
3rd - High level user journeys: Creating High level journey maps and flows which were used to help estimate costings for the project
Outcome : We were able to inclusively work with the various stakeholders to understand how this idea would work along with its implementation. This collaboratively approach ensured all team members were aligned and helped demonstrate the value of UX. It also helped path the way for further personalisation projects to build on this all leading to a better consistent customer experience.